Coding with headsets on

2 min readNov 8, 2020

The title specifically says ‘headsets’ for implying the music intensity. Yes I could’ve said Coding with music, but no. There is a difference to say though.

Headsets intensifies the music, will let you groove to it and releases some dopamine and will make your mood pleasant.

Listening to a soft less loud speaker doesn’t reach you the same way a headset does. For the rest of the article when I say music, it means music with headsets. :-)

I’ve seen many developers coding with their ears plugged in. Is it effective? Does it bring out the productive thinking out of you? The answer, as usual is ‘it depends’.
If we travel back to history, music has a great to do with a working person. People used to sing along if they are engaged in some hectic works. Times has changed and nowadays instead they can hear the song they love to easily forget the tiredness associated with the work they do.
Some think the same principle applies in coding with music as well. But does it ?
Coding some hectic task with music on.. will it let you forget the tiredness associated with it?
The thing is that all depends on the type of coding work that you do. Coding requires great deal of concentration, critical thinking and focus. You might not achieve these if you parallelly hear music. Some of you might be saying.. “hey no no!! I feel more productive when I code with music”. This again is also true. As I said earlier it depends on the type of work that you do.
For the coding work that you have already done multiple times, repeating the same stuff again comes naturally to you without voluntary thinking- just like riding bicycle after you have mastered. For this kind of coding, Yeah..headset will help you forget the boredom associated with it. But for intense coding which need a great deal of focus, just remove your headsets. It will definitely help you.

